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Mega Sceptile

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About Mega Sceptile

  • Birthday 02/02/1992
  1. When I said random I meant 6 legendaries that are still unannounced. Sorry if you got confused by my wording. I changed it to "other" and will update the OP until we get information on those 6. Gonna play MH4U until then
  2. From Serebii Update 4/13: Pokemon: Arceus Gender: None Level: 100 OT: デセルシティ ID: 03074 Ability: Multitype Nature: Random Moves: Judgment Blast Burn Hydro Cannon Earth Power Item: Silk Scarf or a random one of the 17 elemental Plates Pokeball: Cherish Ribbon: Classic Location: Pokémon Movie 15 Dates: March 7 - August 31, 2015 Game Distribution: XY ORAS Distribution Type: Serial Code (Region-locked to Japanese games!) Distribution Location: 7-Eleven, Ito-Yokado, Æon, Æon Supercenter, Toys "R" Us, Apita, Piago, AL.PLAZA, Heiwadou, Daiei, Fuji, Pokémon Center stores, Pokémon Stores, and cinemas showing Pokémon movies (Credit to Bulbapedia)
  3. Great program! Btw, is anyone able to edit their play time counter? It doesn't work with my AS.
  4. -Serebii Pokemon: Tyrunt Gender: Random Level: 10 OT: ID: Ability: Sturdy Nature: Random Moves: Tail Whip Tackle Roar Stomp Item: None Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Classic Location: A lovely place Dates: February 17th - ??? Game Distribution: ORAS Distribution Type: Serial Code (Unique) Distribution Location: Pokémon ORAS Battle of Hoenn Entry Distribution Gift Rock Head is not a legal ability for Tyrunt. It is actually Sturdy.... Dunno why the official site stated Rock Head, perhaps they wanted you to evolve it into Tyrantrum?
  5. Now that you mention it, I remember I was breeding a male HA Fletchling with a 6 iv Ditto couple of months ago, and yeah it passed off. This is good to know. Also, poor Samurott, hopefully GF give him a good Mega if it happens.
  6. You'll need the 1.2 patch from the Japanese eShop. But i'm sure the wondercards will be uploaded so you can inject them with PKHeX. Yeah and Serebii listed them as male, so we can't breed them just like the DW starters in Gen V (we can now get Kanto starters in the Friend Safari)...
  7. Pokemon: Serperior Gender: Random Level: 50 OT: プレゼント/Present ID: 01095/01225 Ability: Contrary Nature: Random Moves: Leaf Storm Hold Back Wring Out Giga Drain Item: None Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Classic Location: A lovely place Dates: January 9th - November 30th (Japan) 21 January 2015 - 30 November 2015 (AUS/UK/US) Game Distribution: ORAS Distribution Type: Serial Code (POKEMON497) Distribution Location: Pokémon Get☆TV/Pokemon Trainer Club Newsletter Pokemon: Emboar Gender: Random Level: 50 OT: プレゼント/Present ID: 01165/01295 Ability: Reckless Nature: Random Moves: Flare Blitz Hold Back Head Smash Take Down Item: None Pokeball: Cherish Ribbon: Classic Location: a lovely place Dates: January 16th - November 30th (Japan) 29 January 2015 - 30 November 2015 (AUS/UK/US) Game Distribution: ORAS Distribution Type: Serial Code (POKEMON500) Distribution Location: Pokémon Get☆TV/Pokemon Trainer Club Newsletter Gender: Random Level: 50 OT: プレゼント/Present ID: 01165/02055 Ability: Shell Armor Nature: Random Moves: Razor Shell Hold Back Confide Hydro Pump Item: None Pokeball: Cherish Ribbon: Classic Location: a lovely place Dates: January 16th - November 30th (Japan) 5 February 2015 - 30 November 2015 (AUS/UK/US) Game Distribution: ORAS Distribution Type: Serial Code (POKEMON503) Distribution Location: Corocoro Magazine/Pokemon Trainer Club Newsletter Pokemon: Pikachu Gender: Female Level: 10 OT: P-Cafe ID: 01095 Ability: Static Nature: Random Moves: Play Nice Charm Nuzzle Sweet Kiss Item: Sweet Heart Pokeball: Cherish Ribbon: Special Location: a lovely place Dates: January 9 - Feburary 28, 2015 Game Distribution: ORAS Distribution Type: Local Wireless Distribution Location: Shibuya, Japan Sources: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/oras/cam...tml?a002=msign Finally, Contrary Serperior!! Just the Johto starters left... Official site link: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/oras/campaign/20141219_01.html?a002=msign
  8. From Serebii: Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Linoone Event Another new event as announced for Japan. If you go to Jump Festa 2015 on December 20th, you can receive several gifts. First is a special Linoone distribution. This Linoone is Level 50 with the moves Extreme Speed, Helping Hand, Baby-Doll Eyes and Protect while holding a Focus Sash. In addition to this, if you participate in a special battle competition, you can win a PP Up or a PP Max for your game. Finally, they will be distribution QR Codes for the Super-Secret Bases of three special guests: Ayana Tsubaki, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Aoi Yuki, Emi Nitta, Aoi Shota & Ban Megumi. The Event Database has been updated with these events
  9. From Serebii: Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Japanese Charizard Event A new event has been announced. To commemorate the new Pokémon Center in Tokyo, two Pokémon are set to be distributed. From December 12th to January 16th, at the Pokémon Center in Tokyo, you can download either a shiny Charizard holding the Charizardite Y or a shiny Pikachu. The distribution is given based on the hour of the day, with them alternating. Details of the event Pokémon are not yet known but the Event Database has been updated with these events
  10. Thanks for that! : ) Sorry for not updating for awhile, I was busy with life. Also, it's been announced for Korea!
  11. Thanks dude! Should likely be here in Canada too...
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