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Posts posted by VanSim

  1. Reisyukaku I have looked at the file in a hex editor and did the ctrl+A I could see how many bytes it is.. 0x00100000 (1,048,576) so I guess it should be fine as a .sav

    Thanks for all your speedy comments and responses. I don't know, maybe it just doesn't work?

  2. Hmm.. if you look at the file in a hex editor and do a ctrl+A .. see how many bytes it is.. if 0x100000 then it should be fine as a .sav, if not, get rid of the first few bytes till it equals that. Other than that, idk.. i'd have to try it myself.

    Thank you again. I will try that and see what happens. I know I can go and get the Powersave thing but figure since I have this already I may as well see if this will do the trick first. Will post again with what happens.

    However one other thing, we talk about box one and box two, I have moves my boxes about to group things together and I have renamed boxes also. Does it just need to be the first two boxes or the same boxes that were box one and Two when the game started.

    Thanks again.

  3. I'm gonna assume the R4i doesnt add a header to its file, so the only difference between it and powersave is that powersave adds a 0x9C long header to its saves, and it also saves them as .bin files. I'm also gonna assume that this program takes into account that header when parsing, so if the file is .bin, the program thinks its powersaves file, so it will take that into account, but a digital save has no header, and has .sav extension, so if the program sees .sav, it knows there is no header and parses accordingly. So the solution would either be to rename your file to a .sav file, or add 0x9C bytes at the begining of the file.

    thanks. I renamed the files and I still get same error msg,

    "Keystreams were NOT bruteforced! Start over and try again :("

  4. I have a Dongle that allows me to Save the Save file (Save Dongle R4i) but it is not the Power Save Device mentioned here. Anyway I have tried following the instructions given and it does not work for me and I am wondering is it because it only works with the Power Save device or if I am doing something wrong?

    The Save files I get show as BIN File type

    Thanks for any advise.

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