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Posts posted by sabakhan

  1. in fiscal year 2013 this is an 85 billion dollar cut I to discretionary programs along I'm so across-the-board roughly you're looking at about 5.1 percent cut to public health and other non-defense discretionary programs Original garcinia cambogia

    you're also looking at almost 26 percent cut to mandatory programs out that are exempts and are not medicare and things like the prevention and public health fund and I'll talk more about that later and but what's been lost in the media is that sequestration is not just happening this year this happens for the next nine years and in fiscal year 2014 as we look forward to next year's budget we actually have to cut another billion dollars from discretionary spending next year and every year thereafter there are certain programs that are exempt from sequestration namely on entitlements that benefit low-income and vulnerable populations saw such security Original garcinia cambogia Ell Grants and Medicaid Medicare is subject to sequestration benefits are not on but administrative costs are namely and provider payments on which is creating an interesting dynamic in Washington so this is a graph that shows just how bad things are and how that they're going to get that top-line the dotted line is a tolerable average of discretionary non-defense Original garcinia cambogia

    discretionary share a federal spending I at I and our share of GDP our overall economy which is historically been about 4 percent of GDP the green line shows where we were headed for the Budget Control Act two budgets were already constructing.

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