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Posts posted by Alex.EXE

  1. Alright.

    Well, I have an Action Reply, But I tried to make the team myself, and my game didn't want to work.

    So, I tried My Friend's Pearl.

    And That didn't work either.

    So I need A Code For Platinum With the Following Team.

    All Pokemon Have the Following ID Number and OT

    OT: Alex (Male)

    ID Number: 22004

    Empoleon- Modest- Lv. 100 Ability: Torrent

    Ev Spread: 12hp/252At/12SpD/232 Spe

    Ivs: All 31

    Stats: Hp:372, Atk: 271, Def: 275, SpA: 353, SpD: 301, Spe: 219

    Attacks: Agility, Substitute, Ice Beam, Surf.

    Flygon- Naughty- Lv. 100 Ability: Levitate

    Ev Spread: 252At/88SpA/176Spe

    Ivs: All 31

    Stats: Hp: 364, Atk: 328, Def: 233, SpA: 259, SpD: 259, Spe: 299

    Attacks: Earthquake, U-Turn, Outrage, Fireblast

    Gengar- Hasty- Lv. 100 Ability: Levitate (Shiny)

    Ev Spread: 100Atk, 156SpA, 252 Spe

    Ivs: All 31

    Stats: Hp: 324, Atk: 206, Def: 219, SpA: 394, SpD: 249, Spe: 350

    Attacks: ShadowBall, FocusPunch, Subsitute, Explosion

    Registeel- Impish- Lv.100 Ability: Clear Body

    Ev Spread: 252Hp, 168Atk, 88Def.

    Ivs: All 31

    Stats: Hp:364, Atk: 249, Def: 438, SpA: 249, SpD: 438, Spe: 199

    Magmortar- Modest-Lv100 Ability: FlameBody

    Ev Spread: 252SpA, 4SpD, 252Spe

    Ivs: Hp:25, Atk: 22, Def: 26, SpA: 31, SpD: 31, Spe: 31

    Stats: Hp:285, Atk: 195, Def: 165: SpA: 383, SpD: 227: Spe: 265

    Attacks: FireBlast, FocusBlast, ThunderBolt, Hiddenpower. (ice)

    Roserade- Timid- Lv100 Ability: Natural Cure (Shiny)

    Ev Spread: 6Hp/252SpA/252Spe

    Ivs: Hp:26, Atk: 18, Def: 31, SpA: 26, SpD: 23, Spe:14

    Stats: Hp: 257, Atk 146, Def: 148, SpA: 344, SpD: 238, Spe: 288

    Attacks: SleepPowder, ToxicSpikes, GrassKnot, HiddenPower (Fire)

    Thanks In Advance to anyone willing to do this for me.

    I Need it done ASAP though.

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