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Cloud Silver

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Posts posted by Cloud Silver

  1. 23 minutes ago, Cecillia said:

    You can change it manually if it's indeed incorrect after verifying. This is done by picking the Pokéball. Also you enable the full report by selecting the legality icon while pressing the "Control" key.


    22 minutes ago, Ruby Genseki said:

    Just hold the Ctrl key as you click the legality check.

    Thank you, I will need to bother you no longer.


    23 minutes ago, Ruby Genseki said:

    There's this program called RNGReporter that can help you with that stuff.
    Did it for you this time.

    That's just too kind of you, thanks a lot!

  2. Thank you! I have a question though: that Glalie was actually created from scratch and I have no idea how the egg encounter type appeared there at all, I know that if it was created in a gen 3 game the transfer should convert it automatically with the right settings, but is there a way to change such things from here?

    Also, how do I enable the full legality report like you did? That looks really helpful.

  3. First off, thank you for the amazing work you keep doing as well as the patience you have aswering everything posted here.

    Now, there's two problems.

    First: it says a bred Milotic can't have a dream ball. It gives the same problem with every ball not avaible in gen 7, such as the apricorn balls from HG/SS.


    Milotic is here;

    Second: it says a gen 3 Glalie (as well as anything else from gen 3) can't have any ball other than the regular one. Pokéball works, everything else is marked as invalid.


    Glalie is here.

    Am I missing something or is this just a bug? I remember the last build I used (I think it was from april), although it had no gen 3 support yet, didn't give me errors for mons bred in dream balls.

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