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About aquaprofile

  • Birthday 05/24/1998
  1. Does a pokemon generated in pokegen/pokesav HAVE to have a legit Set of ID's as well as an Original trainer for it to be considered a legit pokemon?? And something about the trashbytes.. Are those directly related to legality of pokemon as well? I heard that you need dif trash bytes as dif requirements like Wild pokemon and starters need different bytes.. one more thing: Someone said that legality checker is an outdated program for only 4th generation pokegen. Can that still be used to check the trashbytes of a pkm file or is it untrustworthy?? Please help me! D: Thanks in advance.
  2. I know you people probably get spammed with these threads about how some n00b cant get their pokemon to become legal. I have gotten only some to work. I am using Pokegen and Legality checker.. here is what legality checker says: (that link is http://imgur.com/ASsSfHt if it isnt displaying correctly..) I wanna be able to generate any pokemon flawlessly without these errors so i can trade it..I know u cant give an arcanine Wonder Guard and expect it to be legal but I dunno what i have to do for this little guy to become tradeable. Probably some location thing.. help? Thanks in advance and I apologize if this thread is in the wrong section because i literally just registered like 10 minutes ago... (by the way I already have obtained my trainer and secret ID. I tried setting that to the file on putting my trainer name as the ot.. didnt work. )
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