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Posts posted by TheCanadianTrainer

  1. I am wondering if anyone can help me understand why something is NOT working for me. I am trying to get Zorua in a Retail copy of Pokémon Black but the event will not activate for me.

    To be more to the point I am at the point in the game where I have just beaten Clay at the Driftveil Gym. I saw on a site that a faithful encounter Celebi was needed to be brought from HG or SS via the relocator from Black or White in Castilia City. I have answered the two passwords from the Game Freak building and activated the relocator.

    I also have the Celebi brought to Black with the event Celebi from Project Pokémon. But I did not bring the Celebi via the relocator. What I did was with PokeGen I added the wondercard to my HG emulator, received the Celebi, used PokeGen to extract the .PKM. From there I used PokeTransfer to change it to a legit Gen V acceptable pokemon, then received the Celebi via the GTS, with the use of the IR-GTS-BW.

    But when I go to the Game Freak building and talk to the Boy (that is supposed to change) and the girl, all he says is, "...", and the girl rattles on about Castilia City being too big and she gets dizzy, but neither of them starts the process of activating the Zorua event. One of the other needs is that you must have a pokeball and Celebi must be in your party, both I have done.

    I am hoping someone can help me find out if I need to be done the game first, or is it a must for the Celebi to come to Black via the relocator. Also if there is something I am missing that I need left to do. Thanks!!

  2. Hi I am wondering how to take a .pkm Gen IV event pokemon and change it to become a legit Gen V pokemon, with Pokegen. The end result is that I can use the IR-GTS-BW to transfer the .pkm to my retail black copy.

    I was hoping that someone could maybe give me a play by play on how it is done.

    The issue is that I can load the event to my Heartgold but I have no one that has another DS to help me trade to my Black.

    What in have done so far is take a Haley Mew and load it in to Pokegen and loaded it to Black through IR-GTS-BW, and it transfer fine. But the OT not say HALEY. There are a few other ????? but I believe that it happens because I haven't got the National Pokedex yet. But the OT is still not showing up.

    Any help would be GREAT?

  3. I feel so silly.

    First off, thank you RoC for getting back to me. You helped me realize that when I figured out that I had to create a DS connection as well as a 3DS connection, I forgot to disable my security settings as well and try it again. My fault, I'll blame it on being three in the morning.

    I disabled my security and tried again and I am back in business. I haven't been trading since Heartgold and Soulsilver where I was collecting like mad, and after my computer and external hard drive crashed at the same time and I lost over 15,000 events. A lot of them received myself from real events around the world, going all the way back to R/S/E, I haven't had the drive to start again. It was a sad day, but at least I got some back from my original retail games and e-mails. I am just now trying to play them all again and collect enough to fill my Pokedex.

    Anyways, everything works the way it is supposed to, and thank you again.

  4. Hello, I am new to this site.

    I am having an issue with connecting to the IR-GTS-BW.

    I am trying to bring a Gen V Pokémon to my retail copy of Pokémon Black from my PC. My PC OS is Windows 7 Starter. I have tried both Shiny2 and IR-GTS-BW but none works. I have correctly opened IR-GTS-BW and have gotten to the point where it tells me the DNS server IP address, and has told me that I could enter the GTS.

    My issue is that once I get into the GTS the bars will go green for a few seconds and the turn red and won't connect. I have viewed a You Tube tutorial on the IR-GTS-BW and followed it to the "T" until it gets to the point where is tells me to connect to the Nintendo WFC through the internet section on the C-Gear but the message that I get when I attempt to connect to the Nintendo WFC with the C Gear it tells me that I have to check my internet connection in the system settings.

    I have done that. I have changed my 3DS setting as well as the DS setting. Nothing seems to allow me to connect to the Nintendo WFC and the IR GTS to bring my .pkm to my game.

    points on my connection

    My internet password is a WEP setting

    I have forward my 80 and 53 ports

    I have a 3DS

    Retail copy of Pokémon Black

    both the 3DS and the DS connection test are successful but still don't connect to Nintendo WFC

    Any help would be great.

    Thank you for your time.

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