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About ghauntret

  • Birthday 01/01/1990
  1. I see, I have a flash cart, can I send the wonder cards to my original cart?
  2. Thx for the answer, so it means that I must use other devices like AR to get the wonder cards?
  3. Whoops, sry, I forgot to search this one and thx for the answers
  4. so it's mean that it doesn't matter 'cause we can change the date whenever we want?
  5. I see, thx tough, and I want to ask, how di I send a wonder card through pokegen to a original cartridge game? Thx before
  6. I see, thx tough, but could you recommend what anti virus I should use?
  7. I've downloaded the PokeGen and when I want to use it my Norton Antivirus Sonar detect it as a high risk malware, it's safe or no? Thx before
  8. Ahay, thx for the quick answers, also do I need to change my date on my ds too? And how to send the wonder cards into my game? Thx before
  9. Hi I'm new here, but I've playing Pokemon for quite a long time, nice to meet you all! Also, I've got a question too, here's my question: Is that the wonder card and its pokemon that I downloaded from this Project Pokemon site is still considered as legitimate event thats happen when they were distributed? (I've missed a few event and I"m playing the legit/original Heart Gold version)
  10. Hi guys, I'm sry if I ask in wrong section, but I wanted to know is that the wonder card and its pokemon that I downloaded from this Project Pokemon site is still considered as legitimate event thats happen when they were distributed? (I've missed a few event and I"m playing the legit/original Heart Gold version) Thx before
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