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Savions Sw

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Posts posted by Savions Sw

  1. Hello, My name is Savions Sw.

    I'm new here, i'm 15 years old and i live in the Netherlands.

    I'm a Java Programmer, as example i made this to it to all of you.


    I'm still improving on my programming skills, but yeah that's what i made.

    I've seen KazoWar on this forums, he seems a nice guy and i've seen his videos. I want to do his Heartgold hacks too, and i know i can't do it now as i'm new and completely confused about everything. But i'm going to try learning it.

    So my first question, where can i get an emulator with an english HeartGold/SoulSilver game, and can someone explain me how to save progress on it then?


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