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Posts posted by Pom

  1. I haven't made my final decision yet, but as of now I'm on team Froakie, I really like how his evolutions turned out and I think he is the best looking out of the lot. Still, I would like to maybe see some movesets for Fennekin and Chespin too before I make a decision.

  2. Hey people, it's been a while since I've been on a Pokémon forum or forums in general so let me keep this brief. Call me Pom, I'm seventeen years old and I love Pokémon. The manga, anime and the games, I love them all, I have done since I was a kid. I'm just out of school so I have a lot of free time and with all the hype with Pokémon X and Y, I figured why not join a forum.

    I really like the look of this forum and I hope I can meet some new people here so I can't wait to see some of you around and get talking to you.

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