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Posts posted by pincopallo

  1. Hello comunity, i need to ask you help beacouse i got a lot of problem. So as the title say i m trying to get a mew in Yellow for VC for trade it in poekmon Moon. Well i use guide for do that but i have problem ant the point To get any item quantity, set up your items like so... well i have problem to create and moltiply item x255... I don t know what can be the problem, i follow the guide (https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/5q8zlg/getting_gen_1_mew_in_yellow_guide_does_not_work/) step by step. Only i notice i got item ws#&#m#... maybe is wrong item cuz in the guide it say ws# #m# without & and in some videos i saw on utube they all have ws# #m# without &. My region is italy. Well dear if u can help me with this i will be vary happy. Thanks in advance 


  2. then only who create a pokemon with pokegen know that but during control is impossible to know if the creator use pokechek.. then is legal 100% at control same a nomal pokemon captured in game... right?

  3. but if the control of legality on pokechek is OK the pokemon is legal .. or am I wrong?

    how can you identify 1 pokemon created by pokegen and 1 legit RNGabused in game if the control law is perfect in both?

  4. Hi all guys,

    i open this thread for ask help. I need someone explain me how i can create with pokegen 4° and 3° pokemon generation.

    For example i want totodile by egg and obtained it in ss and hatch it in New Bark Town.

    or again Mew and it is obtain only in smeral version..

    then please write for me a little guide.. i need your help.

    ty <3 :redface:

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