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Posts posted by Adorabelle

  1. Fixed it. Unfortunately, it's a very "dirty" fix as I have little idea what I'm doing in python (WHO MAKES A LANGUAGE WHERE YOU CAN'T DECLARE VARIABLES AHMG) and I pretty much had to run roughshod over subprocess.py, so if you use python for *anything else*, my fix probably won't work out for you right.

    So, for Windows, to install the source version of the code:

    1) Download and install Python 2.7. Download the x86 version even if you have dual processors unless you are comfortable editing your registry.

    1a) If you went with the x64 version, google for Python Registry Fix and look around, it's a simple process of copying one key (the install path) from the registry's location for the x64 version to the x86 version.

    2) Download Python Image Library (PIL)

    3) Download and install PyQT4.

    4) Download PPRE. Drop it in the directory C:/Python27 (or wherever you installed Python)

    5) Obtain the rawdb stuff. (Click snapshot on the page on the line where it says Master.

    6) Copy all of that to the RawDB folder in PPRE.

    7) Copy everything from RawDB/NDS up to Python27

    8) Download DirtyFix.rar

    9) Drop the contents of DirtyFix.rar into Python27. Overwrite existing files.

    Is this a perfect fix? Hellno Kitty. But it's a fix that works for me, on Win8.

    One thing that worries me is that the output ROM is considerably (slightly more than half) smaller than the source ROM, but so far so good.



  2. I was able to figure out how to run the source code version of the program (and by "figure out" I mean "fixed a lot of compiler errors and other stuff"), but it's not necessary; the end result is exactly the same as using the stable binary. There's no way to successfully export the ROM, as far as I can tell.

    Anyone trying to get the source code version working:

    - The file "nds" has to be renamed "nds.py".

    - Python 2.x is necessary, do *not* use 3.x, or you'll have to spend a significant amount of time updating the code on multiple pages to be 3.x compliant.

    - You'll also need to download Python PIL (google for it), as Alpha references code from its libraries.

    - Don't bother with downloading SIP, SIP is unnecessary for the binary executable version of PyQT.

    - Git seems to be useless if on Windows - you'll need to copy the files from rawdb (it's called "snapshot" on that site) and paste them under the nds folder and under the main folder.

    I'm trying to puzzle out the "exporting doesn't save" thing, but I haven't looked at a proper programming language in about ten years, so it's slow going.

    If you're having trouble getting pokemon you've edited to save, alter the pokemon's color; in my experience, there appears to be some sort of error going on there, where the pokemon's color is not being read properly and trying to save anything you've done to them until they DO have a color just does not work.

    Have been testing with Pokemon White 2.

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