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Trainer RED

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Posts posted by Trainer RED

  1. If I'm correct, the PWT data is the same structure as the Pt/HGSS Battle Frontier.

    I got a tutorial on how to edit that here:


    The second post also has a small tool for editing the files. It's a really unstable one, but I hope it helps you. (It also only supports Pokemon/items up to gen IV.)

    Just to be clear: This is for editing the individual Pokemon. You need to extract the Pokemon file, edit it with the tool or hex, save it, and reinsert it in the narc.

    Wow, Thank you. Thank you very much.:) :) :) Now I know how to edit their pokemon species and moves but I can't understand something. This image http://postimg.org/image/6qmxgqkm5/

  2. It's entirely different from BWTE.


    a/2/5/3 - PWT Single Bonus pokemon team + leader /champion tournament

    just swap their files around or edit them in hex.

    you'd have to change their sprites and text manually. remember there are no guides so you're going to have to poke around yourself. (all the information here is more than enough to do what you want)

    I found Andi pokemon black & white tool(pwt viewer). But I can't find where is red. Can you help me?

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