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Posts posted by tiffanyalice22

  1. lol you have to insert it into your save file, not your flash cart. The game only reads what's in your save file.

    PokeGen can open your save file and insert a wonder card (iirc PMGE does too)

    Okay...but the instructions said to copy the pgf file into the root directory of the FLASH CARD. So if there is something different about inserting it into the file on the game, please let me know in detail because I do not understand

  2. Okay, so here's my problem. I downloaded 1.4.3 so that I could unlock events that have already past. I downloaded a pgf file for the Liberty Pass, loaded it in to PMGE and made sure everything looked good, then saved it to the root file of my flash card. I inserted it into my 3DS and booted up. I continued with my Pokemon White saved game, went into the Pokecenter and....nothing. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to activate the wonder cards/mystery gifts. It may be plain as day for some people, but I've read everything I can find and still can't figure it out. Am I supposed to have something else saved into my root file so that it will let the Mystery Gift be available to me? I just don't know. Please someone help and be nice! I'm new at this.

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