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Posts posted by chillie1984

  1. What does this mean exactly? "The King's Rock will not currently work on Slowpoke, so Slowking is impossible to obtain short of catching it in the Wild directly. Poliwhirl, however, is fine. If you're desperate, insert this into a/0/1/9 using NitroExplorer."

    What is a/0/1/9 and what's NitroExplorer? I've never actually played any of Black and White 2 by the way. Is it something from those games?

    Also, this is a complete hack right? Are they still working on updates for it or is it pretty much done?

    EDIT: I just tried it out no$gba and I put in the AR code and changed the settings that I needed to to get it to run and now it runs without going to the "No save data detected" screen but the title screen won't show. It either is a blank screen or it shows a little faint and won't let me use the menu at all

    My first post. Nice to meet ya, blah blah =]

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