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About rjdiogo

  • Birthday 03/18/1987
  1. I'll give up use entei. My strategy needs a pokemon with flash fire. I'll use heatran, it's stronger. Thanks for help guy!
  2. It didn't work look here. https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=4587673 Extra byte marked 01.
  3. Why the hability flash fire is invalid for entei? https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=4585739 Simba..pkm
  4. rjdiogo

    PID is not valid

    I'm trying create a Scizor but everytime pokecheck returns invalid PID. Stats of my scizor: Black 2 hp: 31 at: 31 de: 31 sa: 15 sd: 19 s: 5 nature: impish hability: technician hidden power: dark, 64 Gender: female PID: 762177608 Can you help me pls?
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