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About March

  • Birthday 03/29/1995
  1. ... Ha. HAHAHA! Now I feel really dumb for over-complicating things. Thank you for showing how stupid I was in all this @.@ I've tried all the 'saves', but when it asked for a place to save, I was looking for a file, when what it really was asking for was just a name. Whelp. I feel like running into pole. Thank you!
  2. @ Lethalflare - Yes, I did buy the game. @ Kaphotics - I understand. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I want to save the Pokemon INTO my computer's files, not into my game. I need .pkm files in order to save them, which I have no idea how to get a hold of. No, in all honesty, I don't even know what that is. :frown:
  3. I've used Pokegen before, but it went way smoother back then. Basically, I can't save edited Pokemon. This is what I do: Open Pokegen > Edit a Pokemon > Save [save file] as... > Ding. Error. "You must load a save file-" Fair enough, Pokegen. File > Open > And this is where I'm stuck. How do I get a save file? If I do have one, where is it? Back then, I would save it etc. etc. then just upload them and receive them via GTS. As of now, I'm using an Action Replay, slowly and carefully creating Pokemon at a fraction of the speed that I used to create Pokemon through Pokegen. Please help.
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