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Posts posted by Durdedur

  1. I did eventually get it to work... turns out I needed a FFFF\012F\FFFF after my OT's name, which didn't match the pattern of FFFF\013X\FFFF of the other Pokemon at all... sigh. What I ended up doing was creating a generation 4 save of Blaziken, basically made the same exact guy from scratch, looked at a bunch of different other gen 4 Pokemon and figured out which 4 digit letter/number strings belonged to each letter of the alphabet (lower and upper case)... I spelled out his name with the correct strings and had to add an extra FFFF with two strings after it, the string things being the 7th and 8th letters of Blaziken's name (E and N) since you have to spell up to the 7 character max of the OT name (his name is only 5). Then I converted the gen 4 save file to gen 5 with some program and ta da, it magically put all the correct gen 5 trash bytes for me. Lol.... Well I did what I wanted to do, I'm happy with that I guess.

  2. Well, I got SOMETHING to work... however, it took some time to figure out how to get one Pokemon's nickname changed. I ditched the Blaziken because it was giving me bad luck, and grabbed another one of his Pokemon I had nicknamed (a Groudon). First (just as a test) I managed to successfully change the IVs and PID of the Pokemon without touching the nickname and OT, and it came out legal. I could also change the letters of the nickname, but not the amount of letters. Anytime I changed the amount of letters in the nickname or unchecked the flag for the nickname, the OT trash bytes got messed up.

    What I ended up doing was finding another one of his Pokemon (Same OT) that had NOT been nicknamed, and had the same amount of letters in it's non-nicknamed name as Groudon (in my case, I found a CASCOON). The "trash bytes" or whatever the things are with the slashes after the OT name were different in the CASCOON vs the nicknamed Groudon... so I just copied them (they were \FFFF\0138\FFFF on the CASCOON instead of \FFFF\0156\FFFF on the Groudon) and replaced Groudon's OT thing with that. This allowed me to uncheck the nickname flag and successfully change Groudon's name back to GROUDON (also had to add \FFFF\754D\0207\FFFF after GROUDON, I was just copying what CASCOON's name had too) and everything checks out with Pokecheck, including the OT Pal Park trash bytes.

    So yeah... I tried the same thing with Blaziken, I found a CORPHISH that was owned by him and did not have a nickname... replaced the \ \ bits in the OT of Blaziken with Corphish's (happened to be \FFFF\013D\FFFF) but unfortunately... I didn't get the same result as I got with Groudon, Pokecheck still says the OT has invalid trash bytes. SIGH...

    Next thing I did was try to see if I could find another kind of correlation besides just the length of the Pokemon's names... My idea was that Groudon and Cascoon worked cause they were both wild pokemon, Blaziken was a starter... So I took EVERY Pokemon I had that came from either Ruby or Saphire... I took each one's OT with the crap after it, and recorded their name or nickname if they had one, put them all in a list and tried to find a pattern. There was sort of a pattern, although it wasn't perfect... I tried using the pattern to change my nicknamed Kyogre back to regular KYOGRE and it worked! Just like Groudon (And yes, changing the nickname without changing the stuff in the OT made it not legal).

    So, I had to do one more test... I had a Swampert, it was my starter from Saphire and it was also nicknamed. Swampert has 8 letters just like Blaziken, so I tried the pattern that I had for Pokemon with 8 letters (the stuff after the OT happened to be \FFFF\013X\FFFF, where x was either 6-9 or A-F) and I landed on X = C and it worked. Great, so I tried the same thing with Blaziken.. went through those combinations, none worked. Sigh... Unfortunately I used all my 5 letter OT names with Pokemon caught in Ruby/Saphire, and that's the only pattern I saw with Pokemon with 8 letter names... I suppose I could also look at all the Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon that came from Fire Red/Leaf Green because those came from the Pal Park too, but I'm starting to get lazy now =P

    The only way I found how to get around it was by changing his OT name to a longer name (If it's 6 letters long, it always ends in \FFFF\FFFF. I didn't try 7, but I would imagine that would eliminate that ending crap altogether and it would just be the 7 letters). I don't want to change his OT name though =P And yeah I tried putting just a space after his name... Pokecheck doesn't like that: "OT name has leading/trailing spaces" Although it's only in orange text, so I guess it's still legal?

    So I guess there's just something out there that doesn't want me to change this Pokemon's nickname =\ I wish I knew more about what was going on with this numbers and letters so I could figure it out the right way instead of all this detective work. I did learn that there seems to be a lot of Pokemon with names that are 7 letters long though.

  3. It seems like this question is asked a lot but honestly I can't find the correct answer nor can I figure it out myself... I'm new at this, only using Pokegen to change a Pokemon's nickname. I got a hold of my friend's Ruby a long time ago, and I changed the nicknames of his Pokemon in the game, and I've been transferring all the Pokemon up through the versions (by legit means; Pokepark, pal park, whatever park, pain transferring only 6 pkmn a day), so regardless it now sits on my White version (and my computer as of today). He got White 2, and he wants me to trade his Blaziken starter to him... So I just would like to change its nickname back to BLAZIKEN as a courtesy.

    Here's the unchanged, untouched guy http://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=3587232

    Even opening that file up in Pokegen and saving it without touching anything causes the OT to say "Invalid Pal Park trash bytes". I've figured out how to change the nickname... http://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=3587294 but as you can see, saving the file messes with the trash bytes or whatever of the OT name.

    I've tried a lot of things, believe me... deleting everything after the name, changing the numbers to 0's, getting rid of each \'ed part individually, changing the last F's to 0's, changing the first F's to 0's... you get the idea, I've tried a lot of things... just not the right thing I guess. Doesn't help that I have no idea what I'm doing, even though I've read a lot of the "create your Pokemon from scratch" guides and looked over the forums =P I'm beginning to spend too much time on this... and the worse thing is its probably a simple fix. And if it can't be done it's no biggie. I appreciate any help, thanks.

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