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About fishyfins

  • Birthday 08/23/1986
  1. Oh i could kiss you! thankyou so much. fixed all my problems! Ive now managed to recreate as best i can all the special pokemon i lost when my games were stolen. Thanks a lot ^^
  2. Good afternoon! Ive managed to get back the two event pokes i lost when my games were stolen, but im still very much stuck on trying to recreate the three shinies i lost, and would really appreciate some more help to see what im doing wrong. The pokemon im experimenting on is my Caterpie. a lvl 6 shiny i found on route 204 in diamond when using the dongle method with firered. I can easily create a shiny caterpie that "looks" legit, in all but 2 areas. first, Pokecheck always says i have an invalid PID, and secondly, for location, it says "Possible method J/K slots don't match encounter". Firstly, as far as the PID goes, ive tried 2 methods. ive tried using pokegen to actually search for a valid PID after inputting all the data, and secondly, ive tried leaving the PID section completely blank when generating the pokemon, but neither method yields a valid PID for me. In both cases, i input all the data in, saved from tabs, reloaded pokegen, put the .PKM file into the PC box slot, generate the code, and pop it onto the game using my AR. the code works, and the pokemon is correct, but as i say, on Pokegen, it says invalid PID. The other issue is the location data. Caterpie can be found in Diamond on route 204 by using the dongle method with pokemon firered inserted. I select route 204 as the met at location, and select long grass encounter, but it still says "Possible method J/K slots don't match encounter". Im not sure how else i could change the encounter data to make it correct. the one thing it could be, is that when i generate the code, i have diamond as te distination game, and put it onto that card using the AR. i then poketransfer it straight to my copy of white, and pokechekc it from there. so possibly the poketransfer could be screwing up the location data? any help would be greatly appreciated p.s. heres a link to the pokecheck page for this caterpie, if it helps https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=4228545 edit: tried it with my Corsola as well, and same issues
  3. Perfect, thankyou so much, i got it to work ^^ i needed to save the game, then reset and reload for the mailman to appear. thanks again, i appreciate it. now to try again on the other 4 pokemon i need to remake
  4. hey there! Im having a few issues getting an old wondercard (the Liberty Pass) to work on my copy of white. I have the english version of the game, so i downloaded the english wondercard file from your site (2046 liberty pass ENG (PPorg).pgf, and tried to follow a few tutorials on this website. Here is the method ive been using... 2: open pokegen (latest version, 3.1.13), go to file, then open, and open the wondercard. the Mystery Gift box then appears. 2: In this box, i click the "to save" arrow (the slot thing now says "slot: 1 - item (liberty pass)) i then click the red cross to get out of the window. 3: I go to tools, and select code generator. I select white as the destination game, my activation buttonn, and english as the language. tick mystery gifts and click generate. i then get the AR code in the box. there is a drop down box with the "used IDS" and "wondercard 1", but ive tried both of these, and neither have worked. Whichever i select, i click export, and save the file to desktop. 4: I then open my action replay interface, and drop the file into my codelist. i commit the changes, and unplug when it tells me to do so. i plug into the DS, select the wondercard 1 code (or the used one depending) from the list of slots, and then when the game is loaded, press the activation button.... and when i enter the pokemon centre, no delivery guy! Im really quite a technophobe, and i really could use some help. Ive tried looking at stickies, and other people with the same problem, and i seem to be following what ive seen as the way of doing it, but to no avail. Ive tried looking on youtube and on google for tutorials, but cant find anything as i say, its probably a simple answer, and just me being a dunce, but hey, thats why i ask
  5. Good evening Ok, so, a few months ago, sadly, i found that my copies of pokemon diamond, pearl and white had been stolen and sold by my housemate. Obviously i lost my save files and pokemon on the games, several of which were special to me, or from old events i can no longer get. I would very much like to replace these pokemon. ive tried to use pokegen several times to replace them, but to no avail, as i cant seem to generate pokemon with valid PIDs. I could just download matching .PKM files off pokecheck, but it just doesnt feel the same without me being the OT, you know? So, im very much hoping someone here would be kind enough to recreate these pokemon for me, as much as possible, just so i can have them back in my collection. I have an AR card, so if i could have them as an AR code please. thankyou Im not sure if/how they can be created, but id like them as close as possible to the above. Please PM me if any problems or any more info is required. Ill be happy as long as they pass on pokecheck (if such can be done). Thanks so much if anyone can help me
  6. Good afternoon! My names Fishyfins (obviously), and ive been playing pokemon since Gen 1 (with a long break through Gen 3). In the wake of the X and Y announcement, i decided to pick up my DS again, and complete my pokedex to get ready for Gen 6's arrival. However, i discovered, sadly, that my housemate has stolen my copies of White, Diamond and Pearl (along with a load of dvds and warhammer stuff), and obviously all pokemon on those games as well. I spent a long time collecting special pokemon, and im rather anxious to get them back. So i was hoping to use Pokegen or Pokesav or something to hack them back into the game, if you know what i mean. As long as the pokemon is the same species, gender, level, and looks legit on Pokecheck, then ill be happy. Dont care about values, as i never plan on using them, more trophies. The pokemon in trying to create are shiny Caterpie, shiny Corsola, shiny Ho-oh, and 3 shiny Bronzors. also liberty pass Victini, the wifi event Reshiram, the event Arceus from white forest. Ive been trying to generate a legit looking Caterpie in pokegen, but all my efforts have so far met with failure, with Pokecheck saying hacked PIDs. Ill have a read on this forum, and see if i can work out how to fix the issue
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