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Posts posted by mingoo1109

  1. I'm using NO$GBA as my emulator. I opened PokeGen, and opened the .sav file with it, but it says it was unable to determine the save file, but forced it to open it as HG/SS English anyways. However, I think PokeGen doesn't recognize the .sav file since it was blank and nothing was shown in my boxes. The size of the .sav file is 521KB if this helps..

  2. Hello, I play Pokemon HGSS on a ROM because I lost my AR for my NDS and I hate playing with trash pokemons knowing I can't RNG abuse reliably without my AR. So I started playing on a ROM, legitly RNG-abusing (on a pirated ROM, I know) because this is how I'm used to playing pokemon.

    Anyways, I was wondering if there is any way to extract .pkm files from my saved ROM HGSS games so I can put them into my NDS game using Pokecheck? I tried playing around with PokeSav and PokeGen but to no avail. I also did some searches but had no luck.

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