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Posts posted by Tsubasa

  1. I'm no sure it might not but there was , and I hardly remeber there was a event of celebi but he got it in level 5 but thanx mewtwo ex I send send them a pm how you should recommend or just any admin well , I'm gonna do the head administrator

  2. my friend sold me his fire red which he proudly completed his pokedex with his friend which return from us and his hard sweat and tear of playing r/s/e and fr/lg to finish , but there was this pokemon , celebi , at first I though it was a hack when I research it on the net , Mitsurin Celebi , nothing shown up , I ask my friend he said it was a event in Australia in Mc donald as level 5 and it's like not found on the internet can someone help me with information on this missing event or so cause it's scary and he don't hack at all which I am more curious

  3. YuGiOh and Pokemon is a whole Different world , I've play pokemon card ( long ago ) and yu gi oh ( still Playing) and it difficult to see . Andal Have one eye and it's blue , does pokemon have a bear with one eye and is blue ?

  4. Hi I'm Tsubasa , I'm new , I was around pokesav like for about a year as a ghost rarely going to the forum only if I have Problem , I decided to join and now , here I am Nice to meet all of you

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