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About Shadowdarkrai

  • Birthday 02/17/1989

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  1. Hi there , i just started a black 2 ROM on a desume emulator , i was thining about it for a while i decided to use the wondercard events in my playthrough but i have no idea how , can anyone help ?
  2. Um , could you help me get some events?
  3. Is there really no other way ?
  4. Hi guys:smile: , i have just join this forum and was trying to download the victini ticket , so i can go capture victini in liberty island , howeveri do not know how to send it to my game , anyone can help ? , and i am playing on a original game in a DS and i do not own a pokesav , AR or any hacking devices . although i can send pokemon to my game through GTS , thanks and pls help :wink:
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