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Everything posted by Laxsmart

  1. But if I do that, won't it just set all of them as the first pokemon of the party? I cannot say that I have tried it, but judging from how these codes work... that is how it would work
  2. Hello, long time reader first time poster (not really but that is cool to say) Alright, so here is my dilemma. I am trying to create a massive cheat through the AR function of the pokegen program. I have only found that I can create one pokemon cheat at a time (Ex. a dusknoir or genesect instead of both in one convenient hack) I used to be able to create full teams and send them over using pokesav, and when I saw the boxes functionality Igot excited because I would be able to change everything in mass numbers. No such luck, however, when I tried this... I would love to get a step by step process to create a massive cheat to replace pokemon in my party and my box all at once. For reference, I am creating a legit, but perfected, version of each fully evolved pokemon, I would rather not do this one at a time so I am just going to use this to help me out. P.S. If there is another medium required for doing it on such a massive scale please inform me of it. Thank you
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