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Posts posted by Banette

  1. Honestly that sounds like it might just be random. Unless you can consistently recreate it that is. Then I'd suggest trying to repatching a clean rom. As long as the new rom has the same name as the old one you save file will still work.

    You're right, it does seem like it was only that once. Which I'm thankful for. If it does end up happening more in the future then I'll try what you suggested. Thank you. c:

  2. Ahh, gorgeous work so far. I literally just started this game, but I'm loving it regardless. It's running flawlessly. I absolutely love HG/SS, your patch just makes it more amazing.

    Can't wait to continue on and see what else has been done. c:

    Looks like I'll be checking out Perfect Platinum as well! Definitely can't wait for that. Hope to possibly to see more in the future. Congrats on all three. ~


    Edit: Seems the black screen is still an issue. I don't recall seeing anything about this, but once I walked outside of Sprout Tower my character and a nearby NPC were well.. Lines. Almost like a Bar-code. Forgive me if this has already been said/addressed.

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