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Posts posted by GregarLink15

  1. It works! it was a pain to change those 16 color in each of the 24 different color palettes for the Trainer card, but it was worth it, now the only thing left to change are the .bin file of the character in the credits sequence and fix some color palette issues in the opening sequence, thank you very much!, I will see if I can make the rom work in No$GBA to post an screen shot, it always gave the "Image Crash" message as soon as I start playing...

  2. Hi everyone, I'm having problems trying to edit a .RLCN (palette) file in HG/SS, I'm trying to edit the trainer card characters sprites which colors are with the rest of the colors of the hole trainer card, so, instead of the regular 16 bit colors that the rest of the trainer sprites uses, this ones uses an 8 bit color palette (256 colors), I tried to change it in Tinke 9.0.0. by importing an sprite with the hole palette, but it just messed up the location of all the colors (and ignore the rest of the duplicated black colors that are in the original palette), so, it shows the trainer card and the trainers in it with incorrect colors, its a mess.

    What I want to do is something like this: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6118/colorpalettesexplanatio.png

    I just want to change those 16 colors, nothing else, but I can't find any way to edit only the palette without making it incompatible with Tinke or the original format used for the game itself, someone know how to do that?

    Just in case, the trainer card graphics, as well as the trainers that appear in it, the badges and Gym Leaders pictures are in a/0/4/9 (in the Japanese version, I don't know if the format is the same for the English versions, but it must be the same)

    The palettes for the trainer card and the trainer sprites in it are file1.rlcn, 2, 3, 4, 5......23 and 24 (a lot for just recolors of the trainer card), and the graphics for the trainers is the file 9_44.rgnc (file95 in Tinke 7.0.6.)

    BTW, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place and if I'm not clear enough with my problem, anyway, any help would be appreciated

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