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Posts posted by ~AuraStorm~

  1. In Pokegen under the Met tab Where it says "Encounter:" there should be a combo-box that says as the default value(if you haven't loaded any files) "Caught in a Building" change it to "Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin" that's what all gen 5 Pokemon should have as their encounter type.


  2. This guide is very useful. But I'm wondering if there's actually going to be an update or if anyone knows if there's a planned update for any of the Pokegen makes that will just make pokemon that are legal on Random Wifi?

    I am down with jumping through all these hoops if this is going to be the only way to do it. But if there's going to be an update in the near future I think I can wait.

    I can make pokemon just fine. Like the moves and stuff seem right and the stats seem ok. My only issue so far is not being able to get in on Random Battles on Wifi.

    Is this the only issue for everyone else?

    Also, is there a way to double check stats that anyone knows of?

    I'm doubting some of the stats generated because I can't imagine a pokemon like Victini with a 100 base to all stats at level 100 being around "average" stats when compared to my other pokemon. I am mainly having issues coming up with good IVs because I can't seem to find a "characteristics" list for Gen V pokemon.

    Not sure about the update, but I think another one is on the way soon.

    Even so, it is still possible to create GTS legal pokemon on the current pokegen, if its not working then you've done something wrong.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh great i just realised how old your question was and youve prob found the answer by now. Ill still posts this incase anyone else needs help

  3. OK, before I start, i just want to say im new here and may have posted in the wrong place. Im also a noob at this kind of stuff :biggrin::biggrin:

    Anyway, i've been using pokegen to get me a shiny Rufflet (i have black 2). I have uploaded to pokecheck and fixed all the bugs, but there is one i cant get around no matter what.


    There youll see that below everything it says unknown location. On pokegen 3.1.10 under the Met tab under Game i think i have to change that to pokemon White, its 'Origin'.

    Im not sure If this is a Bug or its just me. :confused::confused::confused:

    I tried to say I received it through poketransfer but it says unknown.

    Im sorry ive looked everywhere on the net but no one seems to be having the same problem as me.

    Oh and yes, i have changed the trash bytes since i took this link

    Any help is appreciated.

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