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Delta Bolt

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Everything posted by Delta Bolt

  1. I PokeGen'd the 3 Kami's as Therian (with help of downloading their .pkm files) and they all worked. however, I'll have to get used to them staying Therian (due to lack of Mirror, and Landorus isn't doing his part) and having a Japanese(?) name. I wish there was a UK code to re-name Pokemon what aren't yours, but it's only a name. now I wonder if there's any UK codes for catching them what are in the PokeStar Studios (Mecha Tyranitar, UFO, Tentacles, etc)
  2. I'd prefer using AR Codes for Thundurus, but what if I made Therian Landorus without the Mirror? wouldn't that /hopefully/ do something? or would it be just another Bad Egg?
  3. Im on about getting online 'n stuff. I just can't go to the GTS, you know.
  4. I wish I could, but unfortunately my 3DS seems to lack wi-fi. been trying to get it online mainly to download Pokemon Dream Radar, but to no luck. though I DID change the Action Replay code a few times after the first one showed up, but I still should have a .pkm file of Therian Thundurus somewhere on this laptop. not sure how I'd be able to upload him onto here.
  5. tested on my English version, seeing that is all I have.
  6. I never saved after that. you know, soft-reset without saving.
  7. off-topic, but for me PokeGen only seems to turn everything I make into Bad Eggs.
  8. well I DID generate the code for Thundurus to be Slot 1 in my party, what would have happened if I instead did it for Slot one of Box 1? would it have been Thundurus and not a Bad Egg? (posted another forum about the Thundurus problem)
  9. oh one more thing.... whenever I get the Bad Egg, for every single step I take text comes up saying "Oh?" like it would when an egg is about to hatch. anyone know what I have to do?
  10. so I generated the code for a Therian Thundurus holding the Reflecing Mirror, and manually typed it all into my DSi action replay. I activate it, and where Thundurus should be, is instead a Bad Egg. fml guess I missed a step.
  11. I tried that before (pretty sure I did), and it produced a code (what, even for me, seemed too small for Thundurus) so I activate it and everyone in my party except for Mewtwo, who was in Slot 1, vanished. is Code Generator the one where it has the menu with 'Party Count' included?
  12. so I was using PokeGen, and made a Therian Thundurus. all seems well, except I dunno how to transfer it over to my game with an Action Replay. I mean, what has to be done so I can use an Action Replay to transfer it over to Pokemon White 2, and not the GTS? I have no wifi, so the GTS isn't really an option. :confused:
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