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Everything posted by Adri1

  1. "You can export, but not import because of cacheing. This may be fixed in the future." (Sorry if my English is bad) When that will be fixed, your tool will can be used with other 3DS games, like Animal Crossing New Leaf ? It can be interesting because I have a corrupted save file of this game (digital format), and I want to bypass the save checking for inject a recent backup of my save file. Thanks :wink:
  2. Adri1

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    No support for the downloaded copies .sav files extracted from the SD card ?
  3. Hi guys ! :smile: I want to know how create a Distribution ROM for 5G versions ? Because Pokémon Distro Maker is only for 4G versions and I can not find an equvalent for 5G versions... If you have an awser to my request, please help me, it's for make a distribution in a convention in few day. Thanks !
  4. I hope! =) I discovered theses hacks at a French Pokémon website called "Pokémon Trash".
  5. Hello guys! :grog: Let's me introduce myself. I'm Adri1 ("1" pronounced like in French, because my first name is "Adrien"). I'm 19 years old, Pokéfan since my childhood. As you noticed, I'm French, so sorry if my English is bad... I'm not yet an expert in English :rolleyes: If I'm came on Projet Pokémon, it's because I want transalted in French Pokémon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, and try to help him Drayano in his projects. :tongue:
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