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Posts posted by brandonfield

  1. So I have been using the software for a while now and I mainly only use it for Gen V, but here and there I enjoy going back to Gen IV. The only problem I've run into is that when I upload to send to the GTS, my Pokémon turn Japanese on me :( I'm not sure what to do. I assume it could be from the fact that I can't change where the origin game is (if I'm saying that correctly). Sorry if it's too confusing.

    Also if it helps, I'm using this software on a Mac and it uses the X11 thing to work.

    Anyway, thanks to anyone that can help me solve this issue!

  2. Brandon here :) I'm an old fart who still loves Pokémon haha. (not that old, only 20, but still...). I've been sneaking around here and finally decided to become apart of the community! I won't be on too often to creep, but I will post with questions and hopefully I can be a useable asset if needed :) Don't be afraid to say hi or ask questions!

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