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Posts posted by maxtrouble

  1. Yeah I know how to manually add Dream Pals. I add myself to my own places all the time. this will only work if your games are on the same servers. But if they are both versions registered to one Dream World account, they're most likely on the same server. :P

    I also have a question if anyone can help me. I used to have my Black version registered to my old DSLite but I changed my Wifi password type from WEP to something new so now mt DSLite won't connect to the netz (lol). So I put my Black game into my 3DS and I know my DW won't work for another day so I left it alone for 2 days and it still says the Game Sync battery is charging. Why can't I put a Pokémon to sleep yet? It's already recharged for over a day and I didn't attempt to put any Pokémon to sleep for 2 entire days! Why is it stil recharging? Why can't I use my DW!? I'm getting flustered. *grumble* -.-

    Well how do you manually add yourself? Every time you switch consoles the gamesync time restarts so stick with one console. And other thing is for anything before 3DS only WEP works.

  2. Can anyone help me with dream and trade pals? I have added Black 2 and White 2 to each others pal pads manually as it is not possible to IR them. I have also traded one pokemon in the wifi room as well as GTS. Both games are registered to one account though. I cannot access each others homes at all and on my page under game and trade pals it's empty. Any help? Do I have to start a new game and register game sync ID to a different account? Thanks in advance :)

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