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Posts posted by wowgek7

  1. PGFs don't make legit pkm, either. They can make legal pokemon, but the only legit event Pokemon that you'll find will be at actual events.

    You don't need an R4 or flashcart.

    There are devices that will allow you to extract and insert your sav files of retail cartridges. This is what I use.

    thrue but thats a gray area modifying with pokesav however is just black

    there is a difference with how far people are willing to go and what the mass thinks is legit and what not.

    and tell me how you can get pgf in your game without r4 cards because I doubt it possible since the only way at the moment for .pkm files is with an r4 trading them to your real card or the gts trick.

  2. thats maybe thrue but I cant use these files and I can use .pkm files also this way I have to send them to the right game first then trade it to my 5th gen game which is a lot more work as well. besides they used to have both here now only pgf.

    and i cant use it because I want them on my regulair game not an r4

    also I looked but I couldnt find anything usefull on pgf

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