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About MarkofWisdom

  • Birthday 04/01/1985
  1. This looks like an amazing piece of programming. I used the IR GTS for a while in order to get stuff like the events that were across the country-like Celebii and Mew. Like some of the other posters here I was disappointed to find it had been canceled. I'm attempting to use this and it seems to start up as planned but the DSi unit refuses to connect to the GTS-I keep getting various errors but the most common one is 52110. From what I have seen I am guessing that the IP address and DNS servers listed in the laptop/pc settings are the ones to put manually into the DSi in order to use the Shiny2 program for local distribution(trading to myself). Is this the correct input to the internet connection options? I don't think a firewall is the problem because although it has popped up on my firewall it gave me the option to let it through and that seemed to work fine, but I keep getting the connection errors on the DSi. It is late where I am and I'll keep trying tomorrow after I wake up, any advice or help would be much appreciated. Thanks again for the great work here
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