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About Azureus

  • Birthday 11/18/1984
  1. Really? Well, I guess I owe you an apology, then. For what it's worth, here's the code that caused the shenanigan: 521B8F10 B08FB5F0 121B8F48 000021A0 121B8F9C 000021A1 121B8FFA 000021A2 121B9058 000021A3 121B90B6 000021A5 121B9114 000021A6 121B9172 000021A4 94000130 FDFF0000 121B8F48 00002146 121B8F9C 00002146 121B8FFA 00002147 121B9058 00002148 121B90B6 0000214A 121B9114 0000214B 121B9172 00002149 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 121B8F48 0000210D 121B8F9C 0000210D 121B8FFA 0000210E 121B9058 0000210F 121B90B6 00002112 121B9114 00002111 121B9172 00002110 D2000000 00000000 Maybe you can find what's wrong with the code that caused the S.Atk and S.Def EV slot to be switched. Again, thank you and sorry for the trouble.
  2. I appreciate it. Thanks.
  3. Now, I'm not very good with coding, especially involving probing into game ROM, but after figuring out that S.Atk and S.Def that are switched, I put the S.Atk EV value in S.Def EV bar and S.Def EV value in S.Atk, I check the pokemon's EV distribution in game and it's fine. I don't know if it's the AR code that's at fault, but as soon as I switched the EV value filling in Pokegen, it comes at as it supposed to be in the game (S.Atk value that I filled in the S.Def value in the Pokegen is back in the S.Atk value in game). I've never experienced this in your past release, including ones for gen 4 and the original Black/White so I am too surprised at this. Okay, about the view/set streamlining, what cross my mind right now is, maybe each pokemon icon in the main window is kind of a button, so when it's clicked, it automatically displayed the respective pokemon's stats and after (the way it is right now is also fine), but after you edit the stat and you click other pokemon's icon, there's a reminder - maybe a warning - if you want to save the edit you do for the current pokemon. Thanks for the early response, Codr.
  4. First of all, thanks for providing us all with this nice software. Now, I registered today especially for this issue I've been having with Pokegen version 3.1.10. The issue is the screwed up EV distribution on an edited pokemon. Today I'm playing Pokemon Black 2 US version on DesMume, and edited the pokemon I caught in-game with Pokegen. At one point I used the IV/EV viewer AR code, and noticed that the EV distribution for some of my edited pokemon in the game are messed up. EV distribution for HP and Atk are fine, but the the other stats screwed. For example, for the EV distribution for one of my Mareep, i put 140 HP / 180 Atk / 180 SAtk / 10 SDef, but in the game they showed as 140 HP / 180 Atk / 10 SAtk / 180 SDef. The other Mareep, I put in the EV distribution 40 Def / 250 SAtk / 220 Spd, but in the game they show as 40 Def / 250 SDef / 220 Spd. It seems like the troubles are in the S.Atk, S.Def, and Speed EV distribution. Please look into it and if possible have it fixed by the next update. Once again I really appreciate the Pokegen, even though the [view data - edit - set] cycle needs to be streamlined, as it's very easy to forget to [set] after some editing :smile:. Thanks a lot, people. :smile:
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