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Posts posted by andrea29

  1. This is not a thread on how to make your Pokemon pass. Please re-read the first post.

    what i meant was that despite of the fact that the pokemon is supposed to be legit, it's not because of the location. Now what i asked for was not to make it right but to know how come the location keeps showing" unknown location" even though i put "poketransfer" in location boxe.

    ps im not english, that's why there has been such a misunderstading

    thanks in advance

  2. hi everybody this is my first post and first of all english is not my native language..... i'm having trouble in pokecheking my regice https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=1998129. The OT section keeps showing Invalid trash bytes. . what am i supposed to do to make my pokemon legit? when i update a pokemon i got really confused on which button i should choose between import 4 generation pkm, import 5...... and the last one import 4 pkm as generation 5 pkm....

    Thank you for your attention.

    i was able to solve the problem thanks by the way ;)

  3. hi everybody this is my first post and first of all english is not my native language..... i'm having trouble in pokecheking my regice https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=1998129. The OT section keeps showing Invalid trash bytes. . what am i supposed to do to make my pokemon legit? when i update a pokemon i got really confused on which button i should choose between import 4 generation pkm, import 5...... and the last one import 4 pkm as generation 5 pkm....

    Thank you for your attention.

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