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Posts posted by Korunks

  1. What are the dos commands to view port status? Goggling not getting me anywhere and I am usually a linux guy. I tried using netstat -a -n but what I got didn't show port 53 in use.

    Okay NVM found a tool. The only programs using port 53 is shinygts2 Nothing was using it before. And when I fired up the DNS server it was immediatly listed as using it. And yet the problem remains.

    === Solution Found ===

    Inside of the 3ds internet settings there is a little option labeled as "DS connection settings" that is what you must edit to make ShinyGTS work with 4th gen games on the 3ds. If this is common knowledge I apologize but it was news to me. If desired I could do a little write up about this. Thank you both for your help!

  2. Okay the cartridge settings were also set to connect to shiny2 and still failed: The DNS log:

    5:59 PM: *** ShinyJirachi's Fake DNS server v0.6 ***

    5:59 PM: *** Based on Fake DNS server v0.5 by RoC ***

    5:59 PM: *** Based on ShinyJirachi Fake DNS server v0.4 ***

    5:59 PM: *** Based on M@T's Fake DNS server v0.3 ***

    5:59 PM: *** Based on LordLandon's sendpkm.py ***

    5:59 PM: Incoming data from!

    5:59 PM: has requested conntest.nintendowifi.net!

    5:59 PM: Sending reply to!

    5:59 PM: Incoming data from!

    5:59 PM: has requested nncs1.app.nintendowifi.net!

    5:59 PM: Sending reply to!

    5:59 PM: Incoming data from!

    5:59 PM: has requested nncs2.app.nintendowifi.net!

    5:59 PM: Sending reply to!

    6:05 PM: Incoming data from!

    6:05 PM: has requested conntest.nintendowifi.net!

    6:05 PM: Sending reply to!

    6:05 PM: Incoming data from!

    6:05 PM: has requested nppl.c.app.nintendowifi.net!

    6:05 PM: Sending reply to!

    6:05 PM: Incoming data from!

    6:05 PM: has requested nasc.nintendowifi.net!

    6:05 PM: Sending reply to!

    The GTS log:

    5:59 PM: The GTS server has successfully initialized.

    It should be noted that all communication in the DNS log is from when I "tested" my connection in the 3ds settings menu. I don't know why the 3ds is routing around my hardcoded ip address.

  3. I can, what is interesting is when I "test the connection after modifying my DNS settings it connects with shiny2. When I access gts in pokemon black/white it bypasses it and goes to the real one. Is it possible that although b/w claim to use the 3ds settings they are really using the cartridges settings? I will test that now, If that doesn't work I will post the logs.

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