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About BlakDragon

  • Birthday 09/18/1988
  1. Wow I'm free. Turns out Norton was preventing the tool from doing its thing and NOT telling me about it in the process. Tool works fine now, thx.
  2. It didn't for me, unfortunately. version 0.20.002 failed to login for my Black or Black 2 carts so I had to go through the areas manually. edit: Yesterday (21 Nov) it worked just fine for some odd reason for all 3 of my games. But the next day it went back to that whole "lol login failed" shenanigan. I've no clue why, I guess I have to export the cookies at a certain point in time before using this program, maybe...?
  3. http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=43-13910-13259 Turn one: it says that after my Serperior used gastro acid, its own ability was disabled but my target was the foe Tauros.
  4. Used it. Worked like a boss. Never doing DW the "correct" way again. Kthx, authors.
  5. I'll be completely honest: I primarily made this account to report a bug in the Vsplayer video database, but I figured I may as well introduce myself while I'm here! ...so yeah, hi. I play the Pokemans, and I primarily battle in the doubles/triples formats. Rotation and singles are good on occasion, though.
  6. 44-30008-03936 For this battle, his Thundurus taunted my Sableye on turn 1, but Sableye didn't consume its mental herb to cancel its effects. What should've happened is quite hilarious actually: Sableye used gravity, and his Garchomp KOes its partner Thundurus with Earthquake. I totally expected that to happen....ok I lied, not really. I was just extremely thrilled that it happened that way.
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