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Everything posted by Rayaxe

  1. isnt really there other method? this one takes 15 min each poke, and I can only do that to 6 pokemon per day
  2. if I use that method I wont be able to put them back in my 3rd gen... I want to play competitive 3rd gen, that's why I need that legality checker
  3. Hi people... Is there any legality checker for 3rd gen? How can I obtain it? That is my question, regards.
  4. Hi people! As you know, pokesav was the program for pokemon save hacking, not only to create hacked pokémon but also to edit game states and things like trainer ID and name, money, items, etc. Nowadays we have pokegen, a very usefull program, very complete in terms of pokémon editing, and I defenitely prefer it to create my pokémon. But pokégen lacks some things that I need and pokesav had it. I'm very lazy and I don't like the ingame of pokémon anymore, but I still love metagame, battling aganist my e-pals and winning tournaments so, I need a save from BW2 100% complete to play with. I have a japanese Black 2 save completed, I wanted to use it but I don't want to have my trainer name in japanese, and I don't want to cross a jap sav file with an US rom. I also have a Black 2 US save completed but it isn't mine, if I had pokesav, I would change the trainer name and trainer ID and the save would be perfect, but I don't have it now, so, how can I do it without the program?
  5. Well, recently I've been editing my pokémon's nature and iv's to ingame purposes. As a competitive player, having a modest scizor makes me sick, so, I want to make him adamant but I don't want to change his enconter and gender... I tried to chance his PID, but when I put the pkm file in the pokecheck, I see this: http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1646373&la You know, I don't want him to be "RNGgized" so, the phrase "requires adamant lead synchronizer" and the method k shouldn't be there... How can I limit the pokegen to give me only no RNG PIDs? (sorry for the shitty english)
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