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Everything posted by DDragoon

  1. I understand, thank you very much !!
  2. In my PKHEX it is appearing as illegal, in fact, the last files are, what could it be? ( Google translator)
  3. How do I do this to transfer an emulator to the 3ds cartridge ??? Indicates a good emulator / ROM?
  4. Good afternoon. Friends, I have some doubts. 1. How do I edit a save on PKHEX and put it on the Nintendo Switch? 2. Can I transfer from an emulator (3ds or swich) to Pokémon home? Thank you. (google tradutor, Sorry, kkkk)
  5. hello friends how are you? I am Brazilian and this and my first post, only to remember my english google translator and then if you have something wrong, please disregard, I downloaded the 3.1.9 pokegen http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information I'm playing pokemon black 2 desmude in the load from the save pokegen is correct, but whenever I change something like attacks and IV, EVS (the stats) and command save, will not record and save is as before!! which may be??
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