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Posts posted by Sweep707

  1. I am releativly new to this forum and am a HUGE Poke'mon fan. I had an idea of where the Poke'mon people (the people who make the game) should go after generation five. I think they should make Pokemon Mercury and all the other planets. There would be some Alien race with Alien Poke'mon That came and took over the Solar System. In Poke'mon Earth you would liberate Earth, Pokemon Mercury you liberate Mercury, you get it? Nine knew Poke'mon games with knew legendaries and what not.

    In these games they would introduce new types, Space, Matter, and Energy. Space would be normal effect against every thing and good against Fire (Fire needs oxygen to fuel itself, space has no oxygen) and Matter. Dragon and Energy would be good against Space. Matter would be normal against every thing and bad against Dark (Dark is a lack of something it doesn't have physical shape) and Ghost. Ghost, Dark and Space would be super effective against it. Energy would be normal effect against every thing except Fighting and Normal. Fighting, Normal, and Space would be good against it.

    After you liberate the region that the Aliens have invaded (probably Hoenn or one of the first regions) You would go to the Alien base on the other planets(in the beginning of the extraterrestrial games you would get a kind of space lung and beam off your space ship onto the planet below) finally in the tenth game Mothership you attack the alien Mother ship. You receive your first Poke'mon in all of the games by sneaking them from sleeping or, not dead guards, but incapacitated guards, who then wake up and battle you. After you beat them they run off.

    And just to clarify the Gas Giants do have solid cores.

    If you want to yell at me or say this is an awesome idea leave all curse's and exclamations of delight in the comments :smile:

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