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About Apceroz

  • Birthday 06/28/1990
  1. Thanks a bunch!
  2. It happens that I've been using a faulty rom. So I replaced it with another one and it now works ^^ (for now) Thanks for helping anyways! @evandixon how does reformatting help?
  3. I really wanted a Zorua for my Pokemon Black Version. So I tried to generated Celebi into my .sav file...with this "http://www.pokedit.com/download/event-pkm/Celebi+Gamestop_7016/" I loaded both my sav file and this .pkm and set it into my party. Then saved, placed into my r4 cart, booted up my game. Somehow, when I encounter a wild pokemon or trainer, it will freeze at this white screen just before it's supposed to go into the battle screen. Have I done something wrong somewhere? How come I've never seen anybody that seems to have any freezing errors? Or isit because of a faulty ROM? Any help appreciated!
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