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About Anima

  • Birthday 06/27/1991
  1. I have a question. If i happen to use pokecheck for several of my newly hatched dwebbles and i accidently release the wrong dweeble in my game. Would downloading it from my account count as cloning or an illegal infraction in a official tourney since it now holds a Gift Ribbon?
  2. i recently had questions about the my poke being "likely" rng abuse when he was not... now, I'd like to know why does it give me the yellow text on my galvatula when i comes to the nickname. is it not natural to nickname a poke after it evolves? also whats the deal with the hacked pokerus just want to know what makes this 'issues' pop up http://i.imgur.com/VpTQu.png
  3. thanks, but it bothers me for pokecheck to say that my pokemon is Likely RNG abused still, thanks for your help.
  4. i want to know why this site says my joltik is Rng abused....had the same problem with my nidoran(m) last time. i hatched 150 joltik eggs only 5 were good enough. Its not like im using any program or device for these IVs, i was looking for HP ICE and i got it, but now its Illegal? Joltik1 http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1436573&la joltik2 http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1436579&la joltik3 http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1436589&la joltik4 http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1436617&la joltik5 http://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=1436650&la Joltik5 is the one with the issue. http://i.imgur.com/auZoC.png here is a picture of 48 joltiks before i started deleting them. hope it serves as reference. you will find the 5 above in that list.
  5. The Legality Analysis is implying this nidoran (m) was Rng abused. http://i.imgur.com/Jo7oP.png when i clearly got this nidoran (f) the same day, with the same method http://i.imgur.com/Uf2XK.png
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