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Posts posted by Kincaid777

  1. I don't know whether this has been asked yet already or not, but I'm making some good progress on a hack of my own, however I can't find the location of the mugshot text.

    I've seriously looked up and down through the 002 and 003 files. I even exported them as text to ctrl+F through it. But if anyone could tell me where the location of this particular bit of text is, it'd be greatly appreciated! Thanks:)

  2. I'll be honest with that...Pokewood sounds MUCH better then Pokestar. Shizui sound kinda ok but Marlon sounds kinda dorky. Achroma sounds bad*** instead of Corless...Sounds dumb too. I know is the Actual translation to the U.S. version but i rather see the original (Japanese) names then the already ruined translation from the U.S. Game.

    Haha I know, to me it's just always weird seeing about six or seven English names, and then one or two Japanese. Seems kinda out of place, but I do agree with you x)

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