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Everything posted by Proxyn

  1. You can do whatever you desire; I'll always love you and I'll receive your love in whatever form you decide to give it. None of the others appreciate you like I do and always have. I'm getting emotional now so I'll just thank you and pretend that's all I want to do to you. When I first posted this thread I anticipated you'd be blunt and firm with me, just like you are with all the other noobs who come along and are naive enough to believe that you're not better than them, but I knew we would connect, you felt it didn't you? We're on the same wavelength! I can be your apprentice! Your loving companion!
  2. I said I accidentally found the menu, but I think god brought us together and you inspired me to find the solution, so don't be modest: you will make a great father.
  3. Ahh okay. Yep check my last post I just added it in as you posted. Also after I uploaded the 4M save here, I tested it and it works perfectly in PokeGen! Enjoy analysing those files! If you need anything else or want to test anything else just let me know. Thank you for your assistance. You're beautiful Codr and I'd be honored to have you father my children.
  4. Attached: 2M raw save and 4M raw save. Pokemon White _U_&.sav Pokemon White 4M &.sav
  5. Hehehe, that's what I was planning to do Anything I can do to help! I'm just skipping through the intoduction of the 2M save now and I think when I have that data on the computer I'll go back onto the R4 and test to see if the R4 can actually convert it from 2M to 4M or if it will prompt me to delete my 2M data and start again—either way I'll collect the 4M data too and inform you of the outcome... Edit: Would it matter at which point in the game I was up to? (I'll make sure both copies are up to the same point, of course.)
  6. I never knew this hidden menu existed, nor can I understand why it would be set to something different by default. Would you still like a copy of the 2M save to inspect or is this 'case closed'? (I'll test if I can change my save file types in this R4 menu and whether it fixes the PokeGen issues shortly...)
  7. Okay one minute, I'll post it. Also I just wanted to add that I just accidentally opened a menu on my R4 and noticed that each game on my R4 has it's "Save type" determined as a customisable setting. I've never meddled with this before and didn't know it existed, however, I noticed that the Pokemon White's save type is 2M and my other Pokemon games (which function correctly with PokeGen) have save types of 4M.
  8. Yeah that's fair enough. Ah okay, I thought so. I once put too many lines of Pokemon in at once and my game crashed, but I'll break them down and just put six (pokemon) in at a time from now on. This is still saving me the tedious, wasteful hours of creating these Pokemon the legitimate way. Although I feel like we're all going to hell for choosing not to dispose of our life to create the same result, hah. Well my last save file I had fiddled with too much (converting it and such to try and make it 'valid'), but the save file I linked to you is one that I did not tamper with at all. I simply deleted the last save file, launched Pokemon White on my R4 and started a new save file—reaching the first PC in-game. I then plugged my R4 into the computer and attempted to open it with Pokegen and received the "invalid save file" error just like my last save. So I checked "ignore save file checksum" and the randomised PC data was already in my game. The only thing I can't remember is whether I had saved the game file in pokegen after having opened with "ignore save file checksum" active. Would you like me to make a game file on my Pokemon White (R4) and upload it raw and untouched by pokegen (or anything else)?
  9. That's unfortunate, but I just wanted to double check in case I was missing some obvious, simple solution. Thank you Codr, I really appreciate all the work you do with this. Well if I can't load my save files to place Pokemon directly into my boxes I'll have to use the code generator again like I used to. The last time I updated Pokegen, something was changed with the code generator which when choosing to generate a code based on the 'selected pokemon' it made it so that you can only generate one pokemon code at a time rather than all of the selected pokemon in one code. Because I can't load my save files into Pokegen, what is the most efficient way to place a large amount of Pokemon into my game? Should I just attach the individual codes together?
  10. I'd read both of those threads and countless more before I felt the need to post myself; are you suggesting that this is something that is out of my control?
  11. I'm using an R4 and when I attempt to load my saves from any Pokemon game they are successful except for Pokemon White: I get an "Invalid save file" error. I turned on "Ignore save file checksum" after researching the internet and this loads my save file successfully, however, all of these strange eggs with completely random data appear in most of the boxes and some of my pokemon have also disappeared. I thought it might have been because I tampered with that save too much, so I made a brand-new save and tried loading it into pokegen again. I had the same issue with the dodgy eggs with a completely fresh save. Unless I go through and delete all of the eggs (and they come back every time I load the save into pokegen) when I'm playing the game I get an error when accessing the PC; deleting all of the eggs can be difficult as some of them don't even have visible thumbnails. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Pokemon White _U_&.sav
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