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Posts posted by Fandelix

  1. "Using hacked pkm for private collections, in-game use, or battling with friends using the Union Room in local wireless or friends with whom you have exchanged Friend Codes (and are aware that your pkm are hacked) are acceptable uses. "

    I have my current team in the battle box for battling my friends at school, or for use on the Battle Subway, and it'd be nice if I could edit them (or access their data such as OT) without having to take them out of the box. That said, the only way to access the battle box in-game is via the PC. The same goes for the rest of the boxes from 1-24, so I don't know why it's not accessible from Pokegen.

  2. Dunno if this has been posted before, (the search function is pretty gimmicky,) but will it ever be possible to access the Pokemon in the Battle Box? If so, what is the priority of this function? It's a pain to have to restart the game and pull the Pokemon out in order to edit them.

  3. I would guess that you didn't fill in the ID and/or Secret IDs in correctly. Go back to Pokegen and see if this is the case, and if it is, then copy the numbers over from one of your working pokemon.

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