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Everything posted by TheStormPow

  1. I meant to mention that I have PokeGen and have been trying to move them over that way, but haven't been able to figure it out (even after Googling for tutorials/info), but I kinda thought it went without saying honestly lol I didn't think about Pokecheck... I suppose I can use that if there's no way to do it in PokeGen, but I'd still imagine that there is and I'm just not figuring it out. Also, I don't really see how competitive would be an issue with PokeGen; I always use it to make my competitive Pokemon, I just don't give them any illegal moves/stats.
  2. I have a simple problem... I was going to import all of my competitive Pokemon from BW1 into BW2, but I can't find an easy way to do it.. I'm sure there is some way to get a code for all of my Pokemon at once, but I can't figure it out.. I've tried figuring it out myself for a while but to no avail.. I have two save files - one for BW1, and the other for BW2. If I can find a way to bring all of my Pokemon (PC and party at the same time, if at all possible) into the BW2 save that would be very great.
  3. Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a complete noob, but is this what you mean for it to look like? No more editing required? Or were you referring to the shiny box in the PID generator? Edit: Just tried it out and it works. Thanks!
  4. I'm using PokeGen, yes.
  5. Well that was sorta my question - Is there a way to make a shiny that does match your trainer information in PokeGen/PokeSav? I'd like a few shinies, but it's not a big enough deal for me to go out and beat all the gyms on this save lol.
  6. So the only way to get shinies that are guaranteed to obey me is to beat all the gyms?
  7. So I would imagine this has been asked before, but I can't find it anywhere, so.... I was going to make a few of my Pokemon shiny, however I was wondering beforehand if changing the "Secret" number for their OT to a shiny one would make them count as a traded Pokemon, and therefore not obey me (not gonna lie, I only got past the first gym so I could do wifi battles with this save). Right now I have it all set to where my Pokemon are level 100, but are mine, so they obey me just fine. Any insight on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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