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Everything posted by Biteme

  1. Ok well my other post got deleted didn't realise I would have got an infraction. Anyways the pokemon that I make will not pass the legal test when I try to go on Wifi battles. I have made sure I have doubled checked everything and have latest version. I have got 3 to work so far for wifi Kingdra, Venasaur, and Heracross but none of the other ones work. I just wanted to surprise my friend with his favourite pokemon (Gengar) but it will not seem to work. NO I wasn't talking about Random Wifi it is me and a friend messing around... I have doubled and triple checked everything, but to no prevail. I fixed the OT and such because I realised I used the wrong number but did not fix my problem. I have looked at step by step guides and no success. So far.
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