Last night I loaded my save file to put some more pokemon on my team and I noticed I had some pokemon twice but I didnt think anything of it because I would make whole new teams even if some of the pokemon were the exact same from a different team so i deleted all but one of the exact pokemon. I go to edit my Pokemon again, now that I know I had no exact same pokemon, and I some of my pokemon had been changed into different pokemon that are the exact same but it wasn't that way last night I don't know what caused this. If it helps any usually I throw in a pkm file onto a box slot and then edit as needed (because I downloaded Kazo's Smogon database thing) Wondering if there was a way to do this so that it doesnt mess up? Do I have to drag the pkm file to the editing box then set it in the pokemon storage box? I really like the UI of PokeGen over PokeSav and I don't want to have to use PokeSav to make my Pokemon (though may use it to give the pokemon my Trainer name and ID though since they have a button for that)