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About Renegade

  • Birthday 03/09/1991
  1. I was trying to move my Togepi From Silver to go my White, I lack two DSs so I was manually doing it with PokeGen to create an AR code. All the other G4 egg locations were there except Mr. Pokemon (which shows up as values 2007) so I tried to hex edit the location there (which I have no clue what I'm doing) So just ignore that stuff.
  2. Actually I think I put in the wrong value I put in 186 instead of 2007
  3. Yeah here is the Togepi Togepi..pkm
  4. From what I can tell the location of Gen IV's egg location stays the same through the poketransfer process. I can find Traveling Man, Riley, Pokemon Ranger, and G4 Day Care Couple in the Black/White list But Mr. Pokemon (the guy that gives you the Togepi in HG/SS) is nowhere to be found under Black/White locations When I hex edit the location to Mr Pokemon's value when the target game is Gen V it just resets to 00 (- - - - - - - - - -) when I set it in a box. Does Mr Pokemon's value not carry over to Gen V or something?
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