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Posts posted by sheep261

  1. I know no one's probably looking at this thread now, but I have come up with my own conclusions about Kyurem...

    1) Is it me or has everyone else forgotten about the dragon head skull in one of the earlier missions? Its desription was about a dragon that flew in the skies. WITH referrence to this and the Grey/God stone in the game, perhaps these items are specifically needed for Kyurem perhaps? I feel that the skull has a purpose in the Grey when it comes out. I have never liked it when an Item has no apparent purpose :x

    2) *sigh* These 2 moves. I feel that while everyone can go on and on saying they will be learnt at lvl 100, I have a feeling they are based on something else. I think Grey will be based on a choice game; what I mean by this is that your actions in various events cause the ending to change. I think this means that N will choose whatever dragon relating to your choices, and Kyurem will learn the opposite move to the dragon. Speculation I guess, but it makes sense if the other 2 dragons have 2 special moves, so Kryuem should have 2 only as well.

    3) N does some magaical tricks and the trio all form up to create the Dragon. 649 is the weirdest number to end on, so of course there will have to be another pokemon added. My personal beliefs is that the dragon will be made when the trio are all together in one place...

    4) How Kyurem is shown to us is that its incomplete. SOMETHING is going to happen that will make it complete. Think of lego perhaps; you can make something perfect, but it can be destroyed and left in pieces. Kyurem is the shell of the original dragon, with the other 2 being broken from it. The duo will form up with Kyurem in order to make it whole again, hence making it perfect again.

    5) Finally, my most crazy one yet. Kyurem will be given an item that will change its shape, like Giratina, but will also cause it to change its typing. As much as I like the typiing, something strikes me strange about it. At the moment I cant place a finger on it, but hopefully the 15th film will shed some answers maybe :/

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