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Legit haxor

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About Legit haxor

  • Birthday 06/03/1989
  1. Too many codes activated at the same time cause the game to freeze sometimes. Just made six pokemon in the party tabs in the pokegen. When your done generate the codes put them all in your action replay. Mark all the pokemon and launch your game. Just press the button you set in the pokegen to activate the codes and the pokemon should be in your party without problems. I don't know what you are doing wrong.
  2. Ok. First sry for asking about the hidden ability issue. For a dw pokemon to keep his hidden ability just set the value to 1 right next to Extra Bytes 66 (0x42) "1". OK for the name this affects all pokemon made with the pokemon generator. Here is a legit latios I made: http://www.mediafire.com/?8kwf2vfeqe7eb10 ok first of all 1. Catch a pokemon from a previous generation 4th gen, 3rd gen etc. He obviously will have all CAPS name because this generations were made that way. 2. Transfer this pokemon that you just caught to black/white. Go to your pc and add 6 pokemon to your party including the one you caught. 3. Talk to the third lady in the pokemon center and select RANDOM MATCH UP Single battle or any type of battle. Start a free match and when you find an opponent put in the first place the pokemon you caught. Because you have the option to put in order the pokemon you got in your party before battling. 4. You will notice that your pokemon caught from previous generation will have all caps letter. Excelent thats the way is supposed to be. 5. Now download my LATIOS.pkm send him to battle and you will notice that his name have become all minuscle. Why this happens? I set his name in the pokemon gen with all CAPS? This happens with any pokemon you made using only the poke gen. Previous generation pokemon caught will not have his name affected in the random match up battle. I know its a little issue. The name is only affected by random match up battles. Anyway I thought it was weird and decided to post it. Thanks
  3. Hi there, so I've been using poke gen for a while now.. and I found out that if you do a dream world lets say dw charmander. When he evolves is impossible to keep solar power (hidden ability). I try with the PID evolution ability 1,2,3 but its not working. I noticed too that when you transfer pokemon from 4th gen/3rd gen they all have CAPS letter in 5th gen right? And when you get in a random matchup the pokemon keeps his CAP name. BUT in pokegen when u make a pokemon with all CAPS they will become minuscle when he enters a random matchup battle. Why this happens? It is possible to fix this? I know its a little issue but if a pokemon have all caps letter and enters a random matchup with minuscle letter then its clearly hacked right? sorry for my horrible english thanks
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